Sunday, October 27, 2013

A Call to Team Adams

A Call to Team Adams...

 This next week starts round 3.  We're approaching that half way point with Ethan's treatment plan. Of course pray for healing.  Pray that the chemo and the treatment plan is effective.  But lets also align ourselves with the Adams Family and pray and encourage them to have the strength to keep going. 

A few weeks ago I ran my first 1/2 marathon.  Running has never been a favorite of mine.  But last May my sister talked me into it.  This whole new world of running showed me that training is not something that can be done in a week.  It takes many many weeks of commitment to the training plan.  Had I been doing this on my own, I would have given up- specifically right at that half way point when hitting that wall.  Each time my sister and I were running- my thoughts would start saying, "Oh, you've ran enough, you can walk." or "Do you REALLY think that you have what it takes to keep going?" or the ever present "You're not a runner, you don't know what you're doing."  BUT what pulled me back was my sister saying "Come on Meag, you got this." and her dragging me and my spirit through that wall- helping me along to get to that finish line and goal.

We, as mankind, are not made to do this life alone. God knew at the beginning that Adam needed Eve.  A favorite story from the Bible that speaks this truth was then Moses, exhausted from battle, realized that when his hands stayed up in the air- the Israelites were gaining the victory.  When his hands fell, so would his people.  So Moses's team, Aaron and Hur, came along side and held his drained, worn out, and weary arms. And the Israelites won the battle.

No matter where you are,  you can be like Team Moses (Aaron and Hur).  We, as Team Adams, can continue to come along side Ethan and his family. They're reaching this 1/2 way point with the treatment.  It has to be getting draining.  It has to be getting weary. 

Just like Moses's arms, or training for a Marathon the encouragement from other is what is going to help get them through.  Let's join together to keep encouraging them! Keep listening to the spirit if there are things that you are hearing to do for them- gifts, money, food, time, even just a simple card, email, or facebook shout out.


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Team Adams Bracelets

Hey Team Adams!!

Thank you all for what you are doing to help Ethan and his family.  There has been meals, gifts, money, etc.  The best is seeing those of you who are listening to the spirit when HE says give- you give!  I know personally, seeing what the church near the Adams's did was amazing.  People gave- not knowing exactly who Ethan was.  They heard that still small voice in their hearts and knew that they needed to contribute.

If you're like me,  life is busy.  There is always things to do.  I'm a momma of two boys and I'm always amazed at how two little creatures can take a room in my house from clean to wrecked in the time it takes me to turn around!  But one thing i've learned because of lifes business, I need a symbol, an object to remind me of the important things.

Recently, we've had some great prayer bracelets made up for Team Adams.  These are a great REMINDER to pray for Ethan and his family.  I've been wearing my Team Adams bracelet the last couple days and it does it duty well! When I take it off to do the dishes- I pray.  When I look down, and my 10 month old is chewing on it- I pray.  They are super cute and made with Ethan's favorite colors!




If you want one and live close to Ethan and his family, get in contact with Bethie and she has one for you! If you want one and live in Nebraska, we have a contact that can hook you up too! If you live anywhere else, just let me know and we'll be happy to mail you!  Email me at


Time between

This time between Rounds has been good.  Ethan is hanging onto his joy.  He's happy, laughing and still has his high spirits.

The biggest symptom that Ethan has from the chemo is exhaustion.  Chemo just wipes him and he is tired and sleeps a lot.  Thankfully, his blood work has been great.  He's had blood work done three times and each time, it's been exactly where it needs to be.  Twice, it was so good that he didn't need to have the  booster shots to help his white blood counts.  The count was where it needed to be on its own.

This Monday, Ethan goes in to have his blood tested again.  If all is high and where it needs to be, the next round will start Wednesday.  Round 3 is just three days and then hopefully he'll be home for the weekend. 

  This last weekend, the whole family, plus Tabi's friend Caitlyn, were able to head to see Tabi.  So good to be together and to see Tabi. Time is always good when we can be all together laughing and having a good time!

Blood Drive Results

 Last Sunday, the Lakeshore Church in Covington opened up their generosity and had a blood drive in Ethan's name.  Twenty-two people participated in giving blood.  The time was spent in the mobile donation station. The Adams's got to meet and personally thank those who were giving blood.

inside the bus

Lakeshore went above and beyond- not only hosting this blood drive, but giving to Ethan financially.  The church had a love offering and gave it to Ethan.  This money was so generous and it will go to helping with his medical costs.

When the pastor spoke to the congregation about the blood bus and the offering they were going to take up for Ethan, he shared that though most of the people didn't know who Ethan was, they, as the church, were going to make Ethan one of their own and give to help take care of him.

Thank you Lakeshore Church for being such a testimony of Christ's Love.  Thank you for being a part of Team Adams! Blessings to you!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

End round 2. Blood Drive Info

It is day 6 of round 2 of chemo. Yesterday was the last dose of chemo and today we are waiting these24 hrs. to make sure he is hydrated and bladder is good. This round of chemo can be hard on the bladder, so as a precaution they give him meds. to protect it and keep a close eye on his output.

 If you all remember at the beginning of this journey we learned what kind of tumor he had by looking at the markers (alphafete proteins) in his blood. These proteins are produced by this tumor.  This week we have an update on these markers. They have dropped to normal level (less then 9) this suggests the chemo is producing the desired results.

Ethan after day 4

 Drew and Ethan have finished one puzzle and are starting the 2nd (finished it before this post was done!) it has been fun to have Chas with us this weekend. Great to be together!

1st puzzle DONE

 All of us stayed together for the night.
Ethan's room is cold so we had stocking caps! Sure miss Tabi!

  Lakeshore Church will be hosting a blood drive October 20, 2013 for Ethan. If you are local the blood center is the place you can go to donate. See flyer below on details as to how blood donations help us.

A special thanks to those who have given finances, meals, words of encouragement, and prayers. We are grateful for the support!

Team Adams

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Round 2

Today, all looked perfect on Ethan's blood work which means round 2 is underway!

He will be in the hospital for six days.

Thank you for keeping the Adams' in your prayers and thoughts!

The A-team at the hospital

Monday, October 7, 2013

Gloving up

    Well it’s my turn to write a bit on this blog.  I am Tabitha Adams the elder sister of Ethan and I have to say,  I am down right proud of this boy. 

     Not only for the strength he is showing, but the fact that his focus is still on the other people around him. He brings joy, laughter and even manages to drive me crazy as only a little brother can do!!  I am currently attending Northwestern State University, and being away from my family as we walk this journey is the hardest thing I have to do right now. Skype and phone calls are not how I really want to do this, but Christ has a plan and I trust him, He KNOWS what is best. 
     Well this weekend was NSU's  fall break, so I seized the opportunity and came home for a very memorable weekend.   Ethan was supposed to be going through round two of chemo, but his blood count wasn’t completely right so it was pushed back a few days.  This gave us a weekend of fun. It started Friday night with a bunch of E's buddies coming over laughing, playing video games, and eating meat.  Manly night it was!! We ended the evening with a shaving of E, Chas, Dad, and Austin (a buddy) heads.  

We all took turns. Even had to put on a few band aids for the first time shavers that we were.
WHAT a memory. It took me and mom a bit longer to shave our heads- simply because we had to work up the courage.


  I like to think of this whole journey as a boxing match.  We promised E that we as a family would fight this with him, so when the time came to glove up (shave the heads) we did.  

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Round B postponed

"Chemo was to have started the past Monday, but had to be put off for at least a week. When we went into the hospital, they did one last check of his blood levels. Some of the main things that I have heard them specifically looking for are Platelets, Hemoglobin (Red Blood Cells), and White Blood cells. He was low on white blood cells specifically absolute neutrophil count (ANC). Neutrophil is the main infection fighter of the White Blood cells and so it is important to have it around. If ANC drops below 500 then it’s not cool and he is at risk, he was at 350, and this means no Chemo and he has to wear a mask when out in public….. yeah, like that’s going to happen at this point.

This drop is not a surprise, in fact, it was a surprise that it took as long as it did. This delay means his bone marrow is strong and kept up untill this week. Should it have happened a week earlier, he would have been given neupogen shots. I don’t know what that is so we will say it is a genetic altered form of alien DNA. I do know we will now have it in the fridge and will be giving him injections ourselves…….. wonder what alien DNA does to someone healthy? If you see me next time with a extra eye or appendage you know I know the answer. lol

Should his Platelets or Hemoglobin drop, I believe this is when the blood transfusions are used.  The lady from the Blood Center talked to us and told us that there is a way to have people donate blood under the “Ethan Adams Blood Replacement” plan and he gets $10. More on that as information is givn to us!

His hair is falling out very fast so this weekend there is going to be some sort of eating meat (protein for blood) and head shaving event at our place. So far there are 4 signed up to be skinned, but all are welcome!"


Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Team Adams isn't just the immediate Adams Family.

If you are PRAYING!
If you are sending packages!
If you are giving financially!
If you are bringing a meal!

 If you are involved in anyway with the Adams family 
  are a part of

A few pics of family/friends representing  Team Adams the past few weeks.

 If you have any pictures/stories you'd like to share please email me and I'd love to share it on our blog!

We're working at getting some reminder bracelets made up that y'all can wear as a constant reminder to PRAY for this Courageous Guy! (stay tuned!)

Celebrating cycle 1 being over and gearing up for round 2 of chemo.

 Ethan has had a good couple of weeks recovering from his first treatment. He was tired and needed to sleep quite a bit, but very grateful that he had a good appetite and was able to start his online schooling.

 He was able to have some of his friends over for some video game fun!

 Ethan says he is ready for round 2.  He has his new laptop (from summer money), new games and videos for the hospital..... he is ready!:)
  We cannot say thank you enough.  Thank you for praying, the care packages, cards, donations, and gift cards. It is humbling to have  people come rally around Team Adams.

  I have found myself going to face book and rereading all those messages that have been sent to us throughout the last 28 days. We have had many friends and family speaking truth from scriptures over our family. We thank you for all, of these messages they feed the soul.

Ethan reminded me the other day, of the truth that the faith of a mustard seed can move a mountain. He says "Mom do you know how very small a mustard seed is? It is 1-2 mm." That's our smarty pants looking up the size of a mustard seed.
 We are embracing the daily life with our boys; like the other evening Chas had a Wendy's night for his school, so we all headed out for a frosty and fries (when you dip them they are great, Uncle Terry showed us this sweet treat!) and Ethan starts singing Christmas carols- he gets this from his Dad. It was a sweet moment; we had some great laughs singing our lungs out!!

 The last weekend we were able to meet Tabi and got to just hang together.

 Pumpkin patch.
Brunch at Cracker Barrel- When I went to go pay, I found out that someone had paid for ours.  What a blessing from a stranger!

We are grateful to our God for covering us through this time, and grateful for all of you!!! 
 Thank you,

 Team Adams