A Call to Team Adams...
This next week starts round 3. We're approaching that half way point with Ethan's treatment plan. Of course pray for healing. Pray that the chemo and the treatment plan is effective. But lets also align ourselves with the Adams Family and pray and encourage them to have the strength to keep going.
This next week starts round 3. We're approaching that half way point with Ethan's treatment plan. Of course pray for healing. Pray that the chemo and the treatment plan is effective. But lets also align ourselves with the Adams Family and pray and encourage them to have the strength to keep going.
A few weeks ago I ran my first 1/2 marathon. Running has never been a favorite of mine. But last May my sister talked me into it. This whole new world of running showed me that training is not something that can be done in a week. It takes many many weeks of commitment to the training plan. Had I been doing this on my own, I would have given up- specifically right at that half way point when hitting that wall. Each time my sister and I were running- my thoughts would start saying, "Oh, you've ran enough, you can walk." or "Do you REALLY think that you have what it takes to keep going?" or the ever present "You're not a runner, you don't know what you're doing." BUT what pulled me back was my sister saying "Come on Meag, you got this." and her dragging me and my spirit through that wall- helping me along to get to that finish line and goal.
We, as mankind, are not made to do this life alone. God knew at the beginning that Adam needed Eve. A favorite story from the Bible that speaks this truth was then Moses, exhausted from battle, realized that when his hands stayed up in the air- the Israelites were gaining the victory. When his hands fell, so would his people. So Moses's team, Aaron and Hur, came along side and held his drained, worn out, and weary arms. And the Israelites won the battle.
No matter where you are, you can be like Team Moses (Aaron and Hur). We, as Team Adams, can continue to come along side Ethan and his family. They're reaching this 1/2 way point with the treatment. It has to be getting draining. It has to be getting weary.
Just like Moses's arms, or training for a Marathon the encouragement from other is what is going to help get them through. Let's join together to keep encouraging them! Keep listening to the spirit if there are things that you are hearing to do for them- gifts, money, food, time, even just a simple card, email, or facebook shout out.