Thank you all for what you are doing to help Ethan and his family. There has been meals, gifts, money, etc. The best is seeing those of you who are listening to the spirit when HE says give- you give! I know personally, seeing what the church near the Adams's did was amazing. People gave- not knowing exactly who Ethan was. They heard that still small voice in their hearts and knew that they needed to contribute.
If you're like me, life is busy. There is always things to do. I'm a momma of two boys and I'm always amazed at how two little creatures can take a room in my house from clean to wrecked in the time it takes me to turn around! But one thing i've learned because of lifes business, I need a symbol, an object to remind me of the important things.
Recently, we've had some great prayer bracelets made up for Team Adams. These are a great REMINDER to pray for Ethan and his family. I've been wearing my Team Adams bracelet the last couple days and it does it duty well! When I take it off to do the dishes- I pray. When I look down, and my 10 month old is chewing on it- I pray. They are super cute and made with Ethan's favorite colors!

If you want one and live close to Ethan and his family, get in contact with Bethie and she has one for you! If you want one and live in Nebraska, we have a contact that can hook you up too! If you live anywhere else, just let me know and we'll be happy to mail you! Email me at
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