Four weeks down and two weeks to go!
We are encouraged that we only have two more weeks of radiation to go. Ethan has had his nausea and fatigue like normal, but we are now getting a smaller dose of radiation.The Doctor told Ethan this week that hopefully in one week he should start to feel a bit better. We welcome news of feeling better! :)
Ethan had another full day of doctor visits and lab work on Friday, the 11th. It seems to get harder to get through these long days of getting poked with needles and having all those eye tests done, but Ethan took it like a champ.
Ethan and I listened to some of our favorite comedians on our way over to the city to see the doctor, this gives us good material for joking and laughing to get through the day!! One of our favorites this week was Brian Regan and the pirates. If you need a good laugh look it up, nothing better then laughing. The Joy of the Lord is our strength!!
Ethan's eye tests were 3 hours long this week.The Doctor still sees improvement and no swelling, but had a little eye muscle slowing down which he said can be from radiation. We continue to wait for complete healing of Ethan's eyes.
We all seem to be treatment weary, but are taking life one day at a time. We will continue to help Ethan with his classes. Chas will be having an open house for his Jr. High school for next year. Tabitha will finish her sophomore year in college in just a few weeks. Spring has arrived and along with warm weather we have 5 new kitties that we have enjoyed watching. They are 4 weeks old and a delight to have for awhile.
Thank you for all the prayers and support through out this long journey. We had several meals delivered to us this last few weeks and I was very grateful for our neighbor helping me with our lawn these small acts of kindness bring me to tears of gratefulness. Thank you !!!
Continuing to pray.