Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Update and Make a Wish

Hey all!

Funny how a guy has to be seated at 38000 feet to make the time to write a blog so those that care and support know what is going on. None the less it is the way it is.

The past couple of weeks has been busy and good. We've kept working with Ethan's meds and have finally gotten him off everything except Bacterium (preventive). Ethan and I plowed through a semester of P.E. in 3 weeks. It took us about 5 hours a day and gave us a good taste of what he might be able to handle for the next semester. He did great and it gave him just enough credits to be a sophomore this fall.

We met with the Mandeville High School last week and they did a beautiful job of hearing us as parents and taking direction from Ethan for his desires, limitations, and wants. He will be taking four classes next semester from approximately 8 AM to 1230 PM. All three classes are back in gifted and he will be working with the special services to get needed class notes and tests if he needs them read and any other needs he might have.

As we have come off the meds, stuck with a regular exercise routine we have seen his sight return to the only double vision (he can read) and we have seen the personality of Ethan return! This is so exciting. He actually was able to pin his brother the other day. Lol.

Last Thursday, we met with Make a Wish foundation and learned that we are heading to Alaska for his wish. This is the reason I am flying now. It is a strange feeling to receive such a great gift. We will be gone through August 5. We are all very grateful and excited by it.

We are thankful for this Alaska gift being granted but more importantly, we continue to be blow away from all the regular gifts from all of you! There is no possible way I could have taken the time that was needed to work with Ethan the last few weeks without out your support. There is just no way we could have  happened. Thanks!!

1 comment:

  1. How amazing and wonderful to read this! Thank you, God, for all of Your blessings! I'm so happy to hear this update - cancer free!! And all of the progress that Ethan has and is making is remarkable, but at the same time, not so much, because he is a remarkable young man. Alaska?! How fantastic! I hope you all have had a wonderful time! Your whole family so deserves it!
    Miss Smith
